Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Philip Stockbrugger is Research Assistant at the Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt. His research is centred on one hand on early modern Italian and French Literature, with a special focus on the novel and its related theory, and on the other, on modern French lyrical poetry, in particular in regards to its relationship with the Catholic faith and its liturgical and theological practices.
Research related to commentary
The main focus right now is on the extensive commentary to some biblical passages written by Paul Claudel, one of the foremost members of the so-called French “renouveau Catholique.”
Publications related to commentary
Mirroring Authorization in Torquato Tasso’s Rime Amorose, in: Practices of Commentary, Edited by Christina Lechtermann and Markus Stock,”Zeitsprünge”, (24) 2020.
Other publications
Il romanzo seicentesco tra Francia e Italia. Indagini intorno all’ Accademia degli Incogniti, Fabrizio Serra, Pisa-Roma, 2020.