We are currently soliciting blog posts from individuals working on any aspect of premodern commentary. The blog’s audience consists of scholars who may not be specialists, but are interested in learning more. We are open to submissions on any topic related to commentary and are also eager to work with you on ideas that are not yet fully formed.

Blog posts should be between 500 and 2,000 words in length, though this is only a guideline. Images are encouraged. Please provide captions with the image source and alt-text for accessibility. Please include any links that you wish. Footnotes are optional, but if you would like to include them, we request that you follow the Chicago Manual of Style.
For more information or to submit, please email us at practicesofcommentary@utoronto.ca.
Image above: Text of colophon from Sanskrit Manuscript on medicine. Wellcome Collection. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)